Silent Diving in St. Croix

I didn’t really think it could be possible to make a recreational dive on a day with great visibility and zero swell any more peaceful than it already is, but it turns out it is – do it in complete silence on a rebreather!
Last week I did my closed-circuit rebreather certification course on the AP Diving Inspiration Evo with Mike Fowler from Silent Diving LLC. There was a learning curve, but I am so glad I now know how to use this amazing piece of technology – the doors it opens are numerous.
A herd of bright yellow turtles making their way back after a great dive.
A herd of bright yellow turtles making their way back after a great dive.


Right off the bat I could see a difference in how fish were interacting with me. Creatures that are notoriously sheepish around open-circuit divers seemed more confident, and those that don’t mind the bubbles were downright dauntless when it came to CCR divers.

Check out some of the critters I shot!

And now off to Australia!
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