The (C)older the Wiser

As we all know this is a diving scholarship, so I was super excited to top off my month in the Arctic with a dive project with the Vancouver Aquarium; an Ocean Wise Conservation Association Initiative.  They have been supporters of the scholarship for years and have had past scholars visit the facility and dive […]


Data Travels Far

I have just finished my first week in the Canadian Arctic! I was invited here to join Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) to do maintenance, and upgrades to their cabled marine observatory platform located in Iqaluktuuq or Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. ONC is an initiative of the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. Their network of […]


Pushing through the Red Tape

A couple years ago, shortly after graduating I moved to Malawi, Africa to work for a small-scale monitoring program, looking at fish diversity and fisheries in a community on the coast of Lake Malawi. This was an extremely eye-opening moment in my life. I saw so many things I had been taught were unsustainable, yet […]


Imagemaking 101

I descended onto a slope of endless dark brown sand with seemingly nothing to break the monotony. Then I looked just a little bit closer, and with a sigh of relief and an inner scream of excitement I sunk down to the sand for the first muck dive of my life. To the uninitiated, muck […]


Living Museums of the Sea

Hello from South Florida! I am here in the Florida Keys diving with one of the pioneers of Underwater archaeology, Charlie Beeker, and a group of his students training with the Underwater Science program at Indiana University.  Charlie founded the program in 1992, and has been training students, and working on the preservation of subtidal […]
