Seattle with Annie Crawley and Underwater Sports

Continuing my epic training mission I left Los Angeles and flew up to Seattle to work with Annie Crawley of Dive Into Your Imagination and Terry Keffler of Underwater Sports.  Annie and I had been trying to overlap our schedules for months and finally, due to a change in my schedule, she and I were able to fit in an intense six day videography training session.  The training consisted of shooting (top side and underwater), editing, public speaking/communication, and sleeping.  We had an awesome time and I learned a lot about my shooting habits, good and bad, and became much more comfortable with my Light and Motion camera housing.

My time with Annie couldn’t have come at a better time as I was about to be transitioning out of my training phase.  Up until this point I had had very few dives in which I was allowed  to bring my cameras on, due to training, so getting to jump in the water and shoot like crazy with Annie helped me get the bug for underwater videography again.  I had an great time with Annie and I can’t thank Terry Keffler and Underwater Sports enough for helping to make my short Seattle diving trip an awesome experience!  One of most memorable points I came away from Seattle with was when Annie said to me, “You don’t have to be great to get started, you have to get started to be great!”

Short video about my time in Seattle coming soon!


One thought on “Seattle with Annie Crawley and Underwater Sports

  1. Christian,
    Just wanted to check in on your year and was excited to see this post but am still waiting to view the video! HA! Inspire the next generation of scholars with how you are able to live your dreams! I just returned from Yap and Palau, trading Palm trees for Pine Trees and a bikini for a dry suit! Great work with the turtles too…can’t wait to read more and of course, view more! Remember their is great power in video! Keep in touch and remember to enjoy the journey, not just head for the destination!

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