Okay. So it’s my last day in South Africa (boo), but at least we made it a red letter one: I dove today with Mark Addison of Blue Wilderness, and it was AMAZING. To tick off the list, we started the day swimming with dolphins, then dove down to Cathedral Cave and visited the ragged-toothed sharks, then dove in with black-tipped reef sharks and tiger sharks, and then ended the day by, I am not making this up, swimming with a 7-meter whale shark. This was all in less than 5 hours. Please, click on the link below to take you to where the video from today is hosted (it’s 45 seconds and only shows tigers, black-tips and the whale shark, but you’ll get the gyst). SO INCREDIBLE! Thank you to everyone who made South Africa possible for me: Tom Peschak, Steve Benjamin & family, Mark & Gail Addison, Ian & Sharon McCallum, Vertrees Malherbe, and Lauren De Vos.

Woo Hoo! What a day! You are one lucky gal! Seeing a whale shark up close in the wild is #1 on my bucket list.