Kicking off in Florida

      SCUBA Diving technology had advanced significantly since the first compressed air breathing systems developed in the early 1900s, and leading the charge on this constant evolution you can often find technical divers. A few weeks ago I attended TEKDive USA in North Miami, FL. TEKDive is an advanced and technical diving conference where I met some of the world’s renowned technical divers, learned about techniques in cave and wreck diving, absorbed some useful new information on diving physiology, and listened to harrowing yet educational talks about near-death experiences and the important lessons learned from them. 

      I also met up with several OWUSS friends, including Chloé Maréchal (2013 European Scholar), Christian Clark (2011 North American Scholar) and Dan Orr.

Soon after, I embarked on my first experience as a scholar – obtaining my PADI Divemaster certification! Thanks to the generosity of the great folks at PADI  and Sea Experience in Fort Lauderdale, I completed my Divemaster training.

The time I spent taking the divemaster course opened my eyes to a world of diving I was not very familiar with. First of all – I got my first taste of Florida diving (and loved it)! Also, given that my background has mostly been in scientific diving, my knowledge of how recreational diving and courses operate was limited. Under the watchful eye of Mateo Torres, my instructor, I assisted in PADI Discover Scuba Diving, Open Water and Advanced Open Water courses, briefed and guided recreational divers, and supervised divers both in and out of the water. Thanks to this experience I feel like I have more of a handle on what it takes to be a diving professional in the education, tourist and recreational dive industry. I have nothing but respect for these folks – it’s definitely not an easy task! Definitely rewarding though. 

Check it out – rocking my new Sea Experience swag with Mike Kurczewski, the PADI Southeast Regional Manager; Captain Bill Cole, owner of Sea Experience, and Mateo Torres, my instructor! 


 Many hours spent reading, about a dozen dives and, a couple of swim tests, and one exam later – PADI Divemaster course completed!

