As the new year began, I wanted to challenge myself by building on my diving skillset. I headed to North Carolina to complete my scientific dive training in Morehead, a coastal town that is home to the marine science campus of Duke University. There I worked with Janelle Flemming, a scientific diver, who among her […]
Category: Scholar Journeys
Exploring a New World of Cave Diving
Natural History Storytelling with the BBC
Mid Year at DEMA
I had the joy of attending DEMA at the midway point of my scholarship year, to present my mid-year video, to meet so many of the scholarship’s incredible community of sponsors, hosts and family and to network and learn more about the dive industry. When I arrived, Robin MacFadden Parish, the Vice President of North […]
Conservation with The Coral Triangle Center in Bali
After Raja Ampat, I had the opportunity to spend three weeks working with the Coral Triangle Center (CTC) in Bali. CTC is a non-profit organization founded in Indonesia, that works to establish conservation projects, resource management strategies and marine monitoring systems throughout the coral triangle region. They collaborate with many island communities to establish effective […]