(4-minute read) For the last few days I have woken up in hot and humid Miami, Florida, USA. I was staying on a research vessel with a group of amazing people, having thought-provoking conversations, snorkeling in mangroves, out-planting coral, and most importantly working with sharks!!! I have never been in a place where I needed […]
Category: Scholar Journeys
Hi, This is Genece!
(4-minute read) Hello! My name is Genece Grisby (first name pronounced juh-neese), I am from northern California, USA and I’m thrilled to have been selected as the 2023 North American Our World-Underwater Scholar! As part of this incredible journey, I will be sharing my experiences through blog updates (be sure to subscribe!). Additionally, you can […]
End of Year Reflections
As I was nearing the last few months of my scholarship year. I continued to explore novel technologies for management. This took me to join former scholar Arzucan Askin in the Maldives. Arzu co-founded Miyaru, a collaborative shark research organization that focuses on studying the intersection of humans and sharks. I got to work alongside […]
Antarctica: Diving at the far reaches of our World
Applications of eDNA in Mexico
With my new technical diving skills now under my belt, I made my way to La Paz, in Baja California Sur of Mexico to work with the Applied Genomics lab and learn about how they are changing fisheries science with the application of eDNA science. I flew to Mexico from Florida, arriving amidst a beautiful […]