The Law of the Sea

Español Governance is an integral part of any human-based conservation project. Strictly speaking, there are rules that make human activities oscillate between realms of legality, giving our natural resources a jurisdictional nature. But for the law of the sea, policies are not created to put people in jail, rather express, in writing, the best possible […]


Diving without bubbles

Español Rarely does one get the chance to experience the underwater world in a setting that is bubble-free and almost silent. The invention of the closed-circuit rebreather (CCR), an apparatus that allows you to recycle the air you breathe, has definitely revolutionized the extent of diving. Having heard many things about rebreathers, I decided it […]


Shark Quest on Quino

Español Visiting the islands of Revillagigedo has been a wildest dream of mine since I began diving and watching documentaries on the remote pinnacles that stretch along the Pacific ocean. As a marine protected area, the case of Revillagigedo National Park is definitely an interesting one. I remember reading an article on “México Desconocido” from […]


The treasures of Bayahibe

Español Hundreds of years ago the Spanish came to the continent and islands of America. In passing, some of their ships, treasures and other artifacts got taken by the sea. Today, these objects form items of cultural heritage, and the value they possess are treasured by many. I received an invite to join Dr. Charlie […]
