Bay Area travels

After my time in Southern California I shot up north to my old stomping grounds in the Bay Area. My first stop was Monterey, where I visited Light & Motion in Marina where I learned all about their assembly process and the different types of lights and housings they make!

At L&M with  Jarod, one of the designers of the Sola light!
At L&M with Jarod, one of the designers of the Sola light!

After Marina I went up to San Francisco where my first stop was the California Academy of Sciences. Elliot Jessup, the Diving Safety Officer, gave me a tour of the facilities – I had no idea there was so much going on behind the scenes! In addition to a tour, I also got to dive in their California Coast exhibit! 

Gearing up!
Gearing up
untitled-029 untitled-032Waving hello to the tiny fans and doing some tank cleaning


During my stay in SF I was hosted by Sara Shoemaker Lind, past scholar and amazing photographer. With Sara I got to learn about different techniques, cameras, and good workflow habits!

Trying to shoot some elusive shorebirds
Getting shots of some elusive shorebirds in Marin County

Check out two of my shots from our visit to the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park:


And not to be left unmentioned, I got to hang out with a next generation scuba diver – Sara’s daughter, Celeste!

It’s never too early to start learning about diving safety!

