(2-minute read)

G’day everyone! I’ve just spent the last few days in Australia and I had an amazing time with the Australasian Coordinator & 2019 AU Scholar Joanna Smart, Hugh Nichols, and their dog Mala. During my time here I was able to visit the University of Queensland, dive the HMAS-Brisbane wreck, and go to the iconic Australia Zoo!
This is my last international trip of my scholarship year before heading home so my departure is bitter- sweet, but I am excited to be back with my friends and family for a little bit.
I started this week off strong by visiting the University of Queensland (a university I’m keen on applying to in the future). I was able to learn about Brisbane college life as well as the cool remote sensing work Joanna is doing for her PhD.

It was really nice spending time with another past scholar. This is such a unique year and being able to chat with other people who have had similar experiences is great. While I was here I was even able to receive some help on filming for my end of year video that will be presented in New York!

Although my time in Australia was short, I had to make sure I got in the water at least once and luckily I was able to go on a couple of dives on the HMAS-Brisbane wreck. This was the biggest wreck I have ever dived in, and the multiple floors and long hallways were really cool to swim through.

And of course, while here I needed to visit the internationally adored Australia Zoo, home to the Irwin family and over 1,200 animals. I am usually nervous about visiting zoos since in the past I have seen big animals in quite small enclosures. However, this is the biggest zoo I have ever seen and a lot of the animals were able to freely roam in huge areas throughout the park. I was able to learn more about Australian wildlife, ethical zoo practices, and the conservation work this zoo focuses on.

Overall, I had an amazing time visiting Queensland and I was able to learn and accomplish a lot during my stay here. I hope to come back in the future!
Thank you so much to Australasian Coordinator & 2019 AU Scholar Joanna Smart, Hugh Nichols, and Mala for showing me around Brisbane, taking me diving, and answering all my questions about the land down under!
Thank you to the Our World Underwater Scholarship Society and our sponsor Rolex for making this scholarship experience a possibility. I would also like to thank Reef Photo and Video, Nauticam and Light and Motion for my underwater camera setup as well as Aqualung, Fourth Element, Suunto, Halcyon, and DUI for my diving equipment.